Thursday, March 11, 2010

Some New Stuff In At The Store

This stuff came in today.....................


Avengers-We Are The One
Los Chicos-We Sound Amazing But Look Like Shit
Billy Childish-It Should Be
The Dils-198 Seconds Of
Dustaphonics-Burlesque Queen
Fear-Now Your Dead
Gonn-Don't Need Your Love
The Gravemen-Haunted
The Head-Music For Intelligent People
Higher State-Song Of The Autumn
King Salami & Cumberland 3-XMas A Go Go
The Lyres-Don't Give It Up
The Misfits-Cough/Cool
Paul Messis-Lost And Found
The Pleasure Seekers-What A Way To Die
The Stooges-Search And Destroy
Reigning Sound-Black Sheep, and I'll Cry
The Shocks/The Briefs-split
Teenage Head-Picture My Face
Thee Vicars-You Lie
The Victims-Television Addict
The Weirdos-We Got The Neutron Bomb
X-Adult Books


Black Sabbath-s/t (reissue)
The Brady Bunch-Meet The Brady Bunch (yes you are reading this right)
The Branded-Shout and Holler
The Breakaways-Walking Out On Love
The Buff Medways-This Is
Alice Cooper-Easy Action (reissue)
The Descendents-I Don't Wanna Grow Up, Milo Goes To College, and Liveage
Thee Headcoatees-Here Comes Cessation
Thee Headcoats Sect-Ready Sect Go
Thee Headcoats-Headcoatitude
Thee Headcoats-W.O.A.H.
Thee Midniters-In Thee Midnite Hour
The Nerves-One Way Ticket
The Nervous Eaters-Eaterville Vol. 1
Pere Ubu-The Modern Dance (reissue)
The Pirates-Live In America
Pussy Galore-Exile On Main Street
Real Kids-Better Be Good, and S/T
Screamers-The Demos 77-78
The Spits-19 Million AC, s/t (1st), and s/t (3rd)
The Superions-The Superions ep (Fred Schnieder's new project)
Teenage Head-King St. Teddy Boys
V/A-Bored Teenagers Vol. 5
V/A-Detroit Girl Groups
V/A-Mexican R-n-R Rumble Vol. 2
V/A-Mod Meeting Vol. 6
The Wipers-Is This Real, Youth Of America, and Over The Edge
X-Ray Spex-Germ Free Adolescents


Shindig Magazine- issue #15 (March/April 2010)
V/A-Bored Teenagers Vol. 5 CD
V/A-Furious Italian Hardcore 2xCD


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