Hey Hits & Misses. We've added your store to The Vinyl District Record Store Locator app. Check it out here - http://www.thevinyldistrict.com/storefront/2011/12/introducing-the-tvd-gps-based-record-store-locator-app-for-your-iphone-or-android/ or on Facebook - facebook.com/tvdrecordstorelocator.
Hey Hits & Misses. We've added your store to The Vinyl District Record Store Locator app. Check it out here - http://www.thevinyldistrict.com/storefront/2011/12/introducing-the-tvd-gps-based-record-store-locator-app-for-your-iphone-or-android/ or on Facebook - facebook.com/tvdrecordstorelocator.
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